Cattle Sales
CWLE Cattle Sale 16.12.2024
Numbers declined for the last sale of 2024. Quality was mixed with good supply of feeder weights on offer, along with fair supplies of prime heavy cattle. Not all regular buyers were operating. Market was firm to a little dearer for prime grown steers, heifers and cows. But trade cattle and feeder were cheaper.
CWLE Cattle Sale 9.12.2024
Numbers increased this sale. Quality was good with large supplies of feeder weights and heavy prime cattle on offer. There were limited light weight cattle and cows. All regular buyers were present and the market sold to a stronger trend.
CWLE Cattle Sale 2.12.2024
​Numbers dropped this sale. Quality was mixed with feeder weights well supplied. There were limited numbers of heavy prime cattle and cows on offer. All the regular buyers were present, and the market sold to dearer trends.
CWLE Cattle Sale 25.11.2024
​Numbers lifted this sale. Quality was good with heavy prime grown cattle and cows well supplied along with the regular supply of feeder weights. The regular buyers were present and competing. Prime yearling steers were dearer, heifers cheaper, feeder weights firm to cheaper and cows firm.
CWLE Cattle Sale 18.11.2024
​Numbers dropped this sale. Quality was good with feeder weights well supplied and good numbers of heavy prime cattle along with limited numbers of cows. All the regular buyers were present, and the market was firm to 5c either side of firm depending on quality. Cows were cheaper.
CWLE Cattle Sale 4.11.2024
​Numbers dropped this sale. Quality was mixed with prime yearlings and grown cattle well represented. Feeder cattle were also well supplied and there were limited numbers of cows on offer. Not all the regular buyers were present in a cheaper market except for heavy steers and cows.